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Happy design, zombies and sensors – FBTB2015 is rolling


At 08.00 AM the doors opened and at 09 the whole Chinateatern at Berns in Stockholm was packed with over 750 UX professionals. First out on stage, besides inUse CEO Kjell Persson and moderator of the day Jan Wifstrand, was Karen McGrane.

Her talk ”Content in the zombie apocalypse” was focused on how we are going to survive the emerging next big thing: smart tv, watches, car system, digital signs and so on.

– I’m not sure what the next big thing is, but I know that I, and everybody else, are going to have to adapt and be ready. And to succeed we have to separate content from form, says Karen McGrane, and continues:

– Whatever new platform, system, resolution or thing that pops up, we have to be ready. We have to give the content a fighting chance here and break free our mindset and embrace a flexible, fluid way to design, produce and publish the content.

After Karen Avi Itzkovitchs followed with his talk on Designing with sensors, where he proclaimed that sensors help technology understand the use context to adapt the design. It also raised the question of privacy and ethics in designing with user data.

– We need to give the users what they want, when they want it and in their immediate context, says Avi and meant that sensors are a big piece of that puzzle.

Last out before the fika-break was Pamela Pavliscak with her talk on “The science of happy design”.

She studied why users feel happy afterwards using webb sites, why do the feel happy, and how do we accomplish the design that makes user happy?

Can we create happiness from technology, and design? She presented 5 principles that can help us to start crating more happy design. The site should be: Easy to use, trust, creativity, connection and the last one: meaning.

– Pleasure and purpose is the way to go, it is the happy path, Pamela summarized.

The rest of the day is on with Mike Monteiro, Cindy Alvarez, Leisa Reichelt, Greg Nudelman, Kim Goodwin, Ethan Marcotte, Iran Narges and last, but not least Steve Wozniak will be speaking.

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