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FBTB was a blast!


The meeting place for everyone who wants inspiration, and hands-on advice, on how to maximize business value by creating great user experiences. Simply: From Business to Buttons. It's was a blast!

Lots of pictures at the FBTB Facebook!

The world’s greatest UX and Service Design speakers at Cirkus in Stockholm. FBTB18! The atmosphere was electric directly from when the first talk started at 09:00 a.m.  

It was Jared Spool who launched the day with his talk: Beyond The UX Tipping Point. The founder of UIE and co-founder of Center Centre – and a world class speaker.

Then we saw an highly topical talk – UX Design for Trust: Protecting Privacy in a Connected World – by Ame Elliott. And Namrata Mehta followed up with a broadening perspective for folks in the west: The Dual Opportunity of UX in India.

– More people in India have access to a mobile phone than a toilet, says Namrata Mehta.

Great networking!

One speaker from inUse this year, Director of Service Design Pontus Wärnestål. He held a well-informed talk called Get Your Gear in Order – Building a Toolbox for the Future. Some pretty good advice and reflections.

– We install tools – apps – to hinder us from using our productivity tools, phones,  in order to make us more productive. That is bordering insanity, says Pontus Wärnestål.

After that it was time for lunch – and a walk in the fantastic areas of Djurgården, in fantastic weather.

Kellee Santiago (look at the top picture) – the creator of Journey, and game, app and VR producer at Google – was interviewed on stage, when the conference continued. She explained that they wanted to invite the players to an experience with Journey, not to punish them.

– There is no timer, no pressure, she says.

The next speaker got many laughs. One while saying:

– I am always surprised when people have worked more than five years in one company.

It was Maria Giudice's quote, in her talk The Life of a Change Maker — Lessons from the Battlefield. She finished her talk with another qoute to remember.

– Quit or fight, dont be mediocre.

Before the last break, Alla Weinberg – professionally certified coach specializing in leadership and organizational coaching – held her talk Culture Design. She made everybody in the room do a relaxation exercise (!) to find their "culture body". Magic!

Dana Chisnell picked up from FBTB17 when she entered the stage for her talk Democracy is a design problem.
– Hi, I’m Dana and I’m here to do a sequel to Mike Monteiro’s talk from last year, she says.

The final speaker is Tony Ulwick – Put Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory Into Practice With Outcome-Driven Innovation. Tempo, dynamic, experience – one hour of brilliance.

– You have to know what the entire job is, says Tony Ulwick.

All about FBTB18!

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